December 24, 2019

Biking the Annapurna Circuit

During last summer I was looking for inspiration to do a long term mountain biking trip that would be challenging but pretty risk free at the same time. I had a time frame of three weeks in November so I started to look into possibilities when quickly my eye fell on a flight to Kathmandu. Nepal ticked off all the boxes I was looking for in my next trip, so without too much overthinking slightly nervous I booked the flights. Read more

December 14, 2017

Fatbiking in the Cairngorms

This winter in December I took a little escape from work to the Cairngorms national park in Scotland. I had been curious about riding a fatbike for quite some time and after seeing “Mountain Bikes and Bothy Nights” by Alastair Humphreys, a great video about bothy culture I thought this would be the perfect area to do so. Other than that I Recently have been intrigued by steel bike frames. Read more