February 1, 2019

Dimension scanner for medals

I got the question from a client who was making frames for medal with a cnc machine if we could determine the dimensions of a medal from a simple picture. Today the client has to request the physical medals being mailed to him in order to be able to create the digital model that can be consumed by his CNC machine. iOS 12 comes these days with the Measure app that uses augmented reality to provide dimension information on objects that are being scanned with the camera.


Knowing this I thought it was definitely technically possible to make something that could help the client. I developed an algorithm with OpenCV in Python that returns an SVG given a picture of a medal. Because the dimensions need to be accurate I used a reference that the client has to print on a sheet of paper.

image image

Using the reference we can also make use of the OpenCV features to take into account the camera angle in the calculation of the dimensions.

Then I set up a simple Flask server that serves an app that lets you take a picture with your phone camera and returns the SVG file.
